New York's Finest Astrologer
Jo.....A clip from the Quicklime Movie that is now loading. Tursiops Truncatus Long Island Astrology Home Page What Signs are you compatible to you sun sign? Bill Clifton's 1998 Future Predictions Bill Clifton & Hillary's relationship chart Aries 21 March - 20 April
Joe studies Astrology in Egypt Joe's education and other activities
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Dolphin EncountersBottlenose Dolphins are found in warm waters around the world and are often sighted close to shore. They feed on a wide range of fish and invertebrates and have tremendous jumping capabilities. Their intelligence can be traced to a brain that is similar in size and structure to that of humans. The brain of a Bottlenose dolphin can weigh up to 5 pounds. The neocortex is the area, like in a human's brain , where the higher brain functions take place, such as memory, the power of association, creativity, the ability to learn, and judgment b...
The relative brain weight in comparison to the body weight of the creature, in percent: