Relationship and Composite Charts

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Astrology 101

Planets explained

Houses explained

Aspects explained

Your Sun sign explained

Relationship charts explained

Synastry Charts explained

Madonna's 1997 natal chart

Bill Clinton's 1998 Future Predictions

Bill Clinton & Hilary's relationship chart

A message from the Astrologer

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Taurus 21April - 21 May

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

Cancer 22 June - 22 July

Leo 23 July - 23 August

Virgo 24 August - 22 September

Libra 23 September - 23 October

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January

Aquarius 21 January - 18 February

Pisces 19 February - 20 March


Joe's Family

Joe's Friends

Joe studies Astrology in Egypt

Egyptian web sites

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Joe's education and other activities

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When analyzing this composite chart, you will be looking at four different levels of understanding which represent four different sections or layers of the relationship. They are Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. Planets (10) include the eight known planets (besides Earth, Sun and Moon) are the driving wheels of the chart. They are the energy sources that interact to make up the dynamics of the relationship from which everything derives or modifies their natures and influence. Each planet has its own contribution to the whole: Sun gives life force, Mars gives physical energy, Saturn creates limits, and so on. If beneficially interacting or modified, their overall effect will be positive and in concert. If positioned poorly, they may conflict and detract from each other, causing problem areas in the relationship.

SIGNS (12) may be seen as filters through which the energies and influences of the planets pass, giving them a particular stylistic twist and coloring the overall picture in characteristic hues. The Sun's rays and inner light, for instance, are consistent throughout the signs of the Zodiac; but as they pass through Gemini, they have a special lightness and clarity, through Scorpio, a darker and deeper coloration, and so on, each sign selectively letting more of certain characteristics than others pass through.

HOUSES (12) are the personal landscapes onto which these influences are brought to earth. Whereas the planets and signs have more to do with energy and style, the houses are, by and large, quite physical and behavioral in nature. They cover physical areas like property, children, partners and behavioral areas like sex, travel, or recreation. Where the effects of the planets fall by house will be where you see them manifested in your immediate lives and surroundings.

ASPECTS (5) are the angles at which the planetary impulses reach earth and either combine, conflict, or pass each other by entirely. These largely determine the kind of action, or lack of it, you will experience in the relationship, because they are the motivating forces in interaction. Mars (energy) blending nicely with Saturn (limitation) can mean well-controlled and focused energy. The same two at odds with one another can mean a debilitating energy drain or limits that are broken when they should not be. Add the signs and houses to these, and you'll find where it happens in life and with what kind of style and coloration.

Combine 10 planets with 12 signs, 12 houses, and 5 aspects and the number of possible blends becomes, appropriately, astronomical a broad palette, indeed. Add further the Ascendant and the Moon's nodes, each having their own special place in the picture, and the possibilities are numerous and the knowledge you gain becomes exceedingly fruitful. In such an in-depth study many other factors that defy computer analysis come into play: integration of signature planetary patterns, interdependent midpoint structures, symbolic degree areas, elemental and proximity weighting, progressions, transits, cycle phases, and a host of other technologies that add enormously to the detail and background and in some cases may even contradict what a simpler readout might suggest. There is no substitute for human expertise.

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